
作者: 时间:2019-04-13



The 7th  (2019) BHP Chair of Australian Studies

Translation Competition


为促进中国高校学生对澳大利亚社会和文化的深入了解,北京外国语大学澳大利亚中心2013组织举办年度澳大利亚研究翻译比赛。翻译比赛由北京大学国际关系学院、必和必拓澳大利亚研究讲席教授项目及在华澳大利亚研究基金会提供赞助比赛在每年六月举行,奖品在 FASIC 学术年会上颁发。


      In order to promote a more profound understanding of Australian society and culture among Chinese university students, the BHP Chair of Australian Studies at Peking University and the Australian Studies Centre at Beijing Foreign Studies University have jointly delivered the annual Australian studies translation competition since 2013. The competition is kindly sponsored by the School of International Studies at Peking University, the BHP Chair of Australian Studies at Peking University and the Foundation for Australian Studies in China. The competition is held annually in June and the prizes are awarded at the annual FASIC conference.




      All the students interested in Australian studies across China are eligible for the competition. Participants are required to submit proof of support from the Australian studies centre or the school at their university.


参赛者可在2019年6月9日访问北外澳研中心网站 http://ausc.bfsu.edu.cn/ 下载英语原文翻译材料。翻译作品连同翻译者的联系方式需在6月15日前以WORD 格式附件形式提交至北外澳研中心电子邮箱 australianstudies@bfsu.edu.cn


      Participants will find the original English text at http://ausc.bfsu.edu.cn/ or http://www.australianstudies.org.cn/ on 9 June, 2019. The translation with the translator’s contact information should be sent in the attached WORD format to australianstudies@bfsu.edu.cn by 15 June, 2019.



奖项共设一等奖一名,奖金 1500 元人民币;二等奖两名,奖金每人 1000 元人民币;三等奖三名,奖金每人 800 元人民币;特别鼓励奖十名,奖金每人 500 元人民币。所有获奖者都将得到获奖证书


   The translations will be judged by experts of Australian studies from Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), Peking University (PKU), Renmin University of China (RUC) and Tsinghua University.

1 first prize, 1500 RMB; 2 second prizes, 1000 RMB each; 3 third prizes, 800 RMB each; 10 special commendation prizes, 500 RMB each. All the prize winners will receive certificates of commendation.

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